Thursday, July 29, 2010

2000 movies on a single disc

2000 movies on a single disc
The offer of a complete video library to a DVD-like disk - this could be possible in future inspiron 1521 battery. This is superior to the Australian concept of the Holo-DVD from the U.S., thanks to five dimensional storage.
To achieve the 200-fold space on a Blu-ray disc, the data must be nested more packed on the disk. And that's what scientists have achieved two fundamental changes: In addition to the two spatial dimensions of the flat disks stacked one day use it in the third dimension. The laser reads the disks in the drive not only, as before, straight out, but also from the side.
This step alone would already make for a massive increase in storage capacity, but that the Australian scientists have not been satisfied. Not only is the angle of the laser is crucial, but also the wavelength of the light beam used. The technology allows the storage in three different wavelengths.
"These extra dimensions are the keys to disk with an extremely large capacity," says Min Gu of the Swinburn University of Technology inspiron 1720 battery in Hawthorn. Together with his colleagues, he presented a first laboratory model of the Super-DVD in the title story of the current issue of the journal Nature.
To achieve these multiple tiers of storage, it takes a special storage layer on the discs. This consists of delicate gold nanorods that can be arranged so that they differ on the three different wavelengths and react depending on the polarization of the incident laser light.
In initial experiments, the researchers achieved a storage density of more than 1,000 gigabytes per cubic centimeter. Projected onto a disc with standard diameter corresponds to 1600 gigabytes, about 340 times as much as a normal DVD with 4.7 gigabytes of disk space.
For the test, the researchers stacked three of these image plates of each other inspiron 1721 battery - a trick that already comes with the DVD and the Blu-ray Disc is used. Except that these media so far only available with two layers. Three, however, is still far from the maximum feasible, the researchers say at least ten memory layers that could be applied in principle to a disc.
Space is not all that important is how fast the data can be read by a laser. The information provided by Australian researchers is a Gigabit (1000 megabits) per second is technically possible - a multiple of the current leading-edge Blu-ray Disc, which provides 36 megabits per second. Therefore, this technology could be considered as strong candidate for a successor to the throne, DVD-Blu-Ray.
There remains the question of the cost for the technology - an aspect that the introduction of a technology should not be underestimated. Gold in storage layers, which initially sounds expensive. But if it be not, the researchers estimate the material cost per data slice to about four cents. Nevertheless, they think of a use of silver in order to reduce costs even further.
For the development of a first test drive Gu and colleagues already work with the electronics company Samsung. And in five to ten years, they expect the market this five dimensional optical storage technology.
So far distinguished himself from every leap in capacity optical data storage a race against lenovo thinkpad t400 battery competing technologies. Also for the Blu-ray successor if this is so, because in addition to the 5D holographic storage technology are already well developed. Thus, the U.S. company General Electric is working on a holographic disc, which reach a capacity of 500 gigabytes to reach up to the year 2012, the market is.
A similar approach by Susanne Orlic Optical Institute at the Technical University of Berlin. With micro-holograms, which are grouped closely on a data disc, including her research focuses on a data disc with several hundred gigabytes of storage volume. In addition to the speed of the developer reliability and cost of media and readers are essentially decide the outcome of this race.